Giving can be defined as the act of improving or enhancing another person’s life. It encompasses one’s willingness to aid or assist another person, or even follow an instruction.

Giving can be done in various ways, such as providing financial assistance, clothing, housing, or giving a listening ear to someone who needs to be heard. Often, people think that giving only involves financial help, which can be important, but it is not the only form of giving. Extending a hand of fellowship, listening, and participating in community service can also be considered acts of giving.

Now, the question is, how do we incorporate the habits of giving into our lives? How do we go about it? Does giving have any impact on our life? Are there benefits attached to it? and how do we harvest these benefits?
There are many ways to make ‘giving’ a lifestyle, but I will focus on three.

One of the ways to inculcate giving as a lifestyle is by first desiring a heart that gives from God.

Giving is a spiritual exercise. From the human perspective, the current harsh economic situation in Nigeria can discourage anyone from being charitable. Moreover, many Nigerians are hesitant to give nowadays due to rumoured mysterious encounters some people have experienced as a result of their generosity. No one knows who to trust anymore.

This is all the more reason we need to be led by the Spirit of God in our act of giving.

Secondly, the words of the Lord said in the book of John 14: 15, ‘If you love me, keep my commandments.’ Also, the book of Matthew 25:40 (ASV) says, ‘And the King shall answer and say unto them, ‘Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as ye did it unto one of these my brethren, even these least, ye did it unto me.’
The focal point here is, if you love God you will keep to his words, you will obey his instructions all the days of your life, and you will make it a habit to please him. As you already know, giving is one of His teachings, instructions, and principles.

Do you know that giving is also an act of ‘worship’? Yes, it is! It’s a means of showing gratitude for all that the Lord has done for you.

Lastly, practice mindfulness. Try to make a decision that you will carry out random acts of kindness daily or weekly or as you are led by the Spirit. While at it, bear in mind that giving shouldn’t be perceived in monetary terms alone.

Now, let’s look into the benefits of giving. Generally speaking, everything in life has consequences and rewards, and giving is not exempted.
Giving Always Results in Receiving.